What are Spiders Attracted to 6

What are Spiders Attracted to? 10 Shocking Facts You Need to Know

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If you’ve ever wondered What are Spiders Attracted to your home, you’re not alone. Understanding what draws spiders inside can help you implement targeted spider prevention and control methods. In this blog, we’ll cover the top 10 surprising spider attraction factors.

Spiders in the house tend to be seeking food, shelter, moisture and warmth. But they also exhibit odd attractions to things like vibrations, electromagnetic fields and each other’s presence.

Learning about spider behavior and habitat preferences allows you to curb their access and create a spider-unfriendly environment. Read on to learn pro pest control tips for keeping a spider-free home.

Common Spider Species in Your Homes

Spider infestations often involve:

  • Wolf Spiders – These hairy spiders don’t spin webs. They prowl floors seeking insect prey.
  • Common House Spiders – Web builders thriving indoors. They build messy webs in corners.

Both species can startle homeowners but are largely harmless. Understanding their habits provides spider prevention insights.

What are Spiders Attracted to 2
What are Spiders Attracted to? 10 Shocking Facts You Need to Know. Image Credit: Canva

Why Spiders Are Drawn to Houses

Attracting spiders inside involves providing:

  • Food Sources – Spiders enter seeking insect prey.
  • Seclusion – Dark corners mimic ideal hidden habitats.
  • Access Points – Cracks and holes enable easy entry.
  • Dampness – Humid conditions spiders crave.

But what specifically entices spiders inside? Let’s review the top 10 surprising attractants.

Entry PointDescriptionSealing Tips
DoorsGaps under doors and around frames provide accessInstall weatherstripping around doors, use door sweeps
WindowsDamaged screens and gaps around frames allow entryRepair or replace damaged screens, caulk and seal gaps
VentsVents for HVAC systems, plumbing, etc. have openings spiders can crawl throughSeal vents with fine mesh screens
Electrical outletsSpiders can fit through small gaps around wiring into wallsSeal outlets with foam gaskets or caulk
Plumbing holesGaps around pipes where they enter walls are targetsSeal gaps with steel wool, caulk or plaster
Foundation cracksSmall cracks and gaps in foundation are perfect spider entrywaysFill cracks with mortar or caulk
Attic ventsVents in attic ceilings or gable ends allow accessCover vents with stainless steel mesh screening
Common Spider Entry Points Into Homes

1. Vibrations

Spiders detect even slight vibrations through sensitive hairs on their legs. Household activities like walking, opening doors, running appliances or plumbing can attract spiders by mimicking prey movement.

Minimize vibrations spiders may interpret as prey by:

  • Installing cushioned flooring
  • Fixing squeaky fixtures
  • Placing felt pads under furniture legs and appliances

2. Smells and Pheromones

Spiders have an acute sense of smell useful for detecting prey and mates at impressive distances. Scents that especially attract them include:

  • Food odors from sugars, proteins and decaying matter.
  • Female spider pheromones that attract males.
  • Prey odors that signal bountiful hunting grounds.

Deter spider interest by:

  • Storing food in sealed containers
  • Fixing damaged window screens
  • Using pheromone-based spider repellents

3. Heat and Warmth

As cold-blooded creatures, spiders seek out warmth to raise their body temperature and become more active hunters. Indoor heat sources like vents, lights and electronics are enticing substitutes for the sun’s warmth.

Dissuade spider visitors seeking warmth by:

  • Sealing access behind appliances
  • Switching to cooler LED bulbs
  • Ensuring proper ventilation around heat sources
What are Spiders Attracted to
What are Spiders Attracted to? 10 Shocking Facts You Need to Know. Image Credit: Canva

4. Moist and Humid Areas

Spiders require humid conditions to absorb moisture through their exoskeleton. Any indoor damp areas mimic their preferred humid habitat.

Lower moisture levels by:

  • Fixing leaks immediately
  • Using dehumidifiers
  • Avoiding excess humidity from showers

5. Cluttered and Undisturbed Areas

Web building spiders prefer messy, secluded areas with ample anchor points for sturdy webs. Even wandering spiders appreciate clutter for nesting and laying eggs.

Deter spiders by:

  • Organizing storage areas
  • Regularly cleaning garages and basements
  • Moving debris piles away from the house’s exterior

Other Surprising Spider Attractions

Beyond obvious draws like food and shelter, spiders exhibit peculiar attractions including:

6. Lights

Nocturnal spiders thrive around exterior lights, where insect swarms provide bountiful hunting grounds.

Though they aren’t directly drawn to interior lights, these can attract stray insects at night, in turn inviting spiders.

7. Electromagnetic Fields

Early research found spiders’ web-building changes near electromagnetic fields emitted by electronics and wiring. These fields may help attract spiders to appliances, outlets and fuse boxes.

8. Flowers and Plants

Vibrant, aromatic plants release colors, scents and nectars that appeal to insect prey, creating an insect buffet for spiders – especially near:

  • Flower gardens bordering homes
  • Potted outdoor plants
  • Cut flowers indoors
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What are Spiders Attracted to? 10 Shocking Facts You Need to Know. Image Credit: Canva

9. Each Other

Even solitary spiders seem attracted to areas where others are already present. Seeing a pioneer spider settled signals ideal conditions to newcomers.

10. You (Yes, You!)

Though extremely rare, some spiders like Hobo Spiders and Black Widows occasionally bite people. But nearly all bites happen unintentionally when spiders feel threatened against skin.

Spiders don’t purposely attack or chase humans. Their appearance near us usually reflects accidental encounters, not predatory intent.

Spider Deterrent Tips

Deter spider entry and lingering with these pro tips:

  • Seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors and vents. Install weatherstripping.
  • Store foods properly, take trash out frequently.
  • Trim back exterior vegetation touching the home.
  • Use sticky traps, repellents or pesticides. Seek professional help for severe cases.
  • Thoroughly inspect items before bringing them indoors.
  • Eliminate clutter and debris near foundations.
LocationPrevention Tips
IndoorsVacuum and sweep regularly, especially corners and ceilings. 
Fix any water leaks immediately.
Use dehumidifiers to control moisture.  
Seal access points like cracks and gaps.  
Organize storage areas and eliminate clutter.
OutdoorsTrim vegetation touching exterior walls. Move debris and wood piles away from foundation. 
Keep compost bins away from house. 
Install yellow bug lights at entrances. 
Apply pesticides around perimeter.
Garage and AtticSeal any entry points between garage and attic and living spaces.
 Install weatherstripping on garage door. 
Use plastic sheeting to seal attic openings. 
Store boxes off floor on shelves.
BasementDehumidify and eliminate any moisture sources.  
Seal foundation cracks and gaps. 
Avoid clutter and store items in sealed containers.

Natural Spider Repellents

Certain natural scents deter spiders or interfere with their ability to spin webs. Try incorporating these DIY repellent options:

  • Essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, citrus or eucalyptus
  • Vinegars or garlic juice sprayed along baseboards
  • Dried gourd vines, cloves, cayenne pepper or chestnuts placed in corners
  • Live houseplants like hyssop, basil, mint or marigolds

Though natural options are safer for homes, they may need reapplication more often than commercial pesticide sprays.

Common Spider Misconceptions

Let’s dispel some myths around alleged spider attractants:

  • Exterior lights draw spiders outdoors, but spiders won’t flock to interior lights.
  • Spiders can’t perceive colors or have color preferences.
  • Pleasant fragrances don’t attract spiders. Some strong odors may deter them when applied intentionally.

Call the Pros for Severe Infestations

For extreme spider issues involving venomous species or hundreds of spiders, professional pest control help may be required. Pros have advanced tools to eliminate spiders inside and prevent re-entry.

Don’t share your home with uninvited arachnids! Call pest experts to reclaim a spider-free space.

What are Spiders Attracted to
What are Spiders Attracted to? 10 Shocking Facts You Need to Know. Image Credit: Canva

When to Call a Professional

In some situations, DIY spider control efforts may not resolve persistent or severe infestations. Signs it’s time to call a pest management professional:

  • Continued spider sightings after implementing prevention tips
  • Venomous spiders like black widows or brown recluses present
  • Allergy concerns mean complete spider elimination is necessary
  • Lack of time, physical ability or comfort treating spiders yourself
  • Severe psychological distress dealing with extensive spiders

Professional pest control brings stronger chemicals, thorough treatment of hidden areas, and ongoing prevention monitoring. Don’t hesitate to call for backup when spider situations feel beyond your capabilities.

Key Takeaways: What Attracts Spiders

To summarize, spiders exhibit natural attractions to things like food, moisture and shelter. But they also demonstrate odd attraction to vibrations, lights, electromagnetic fields and each other.

Take preventative steps like sealing access points, controlling humidity, organizing clutter, using deterrents and calling pest pros when needed.

Remember, spiders don’t purposefully target humans. Their appearances mostly reflect accidental encounters. Implementing targeted spider control tips can help you reclaim your space and coexist with these peculiar pests from a distance.

FAQ – What are Spiders Attracted to

What are the most common spiders found inside homes?

Why do I find spiders in my basement even when the rest of my home seems spider-free?

Are there natural ways to make my home less attractive to spiders?

I’m scared of spiders. How can I deal with seeing them frequently in my house?

How often should I get professional pest control services for spiders?

What are Spiders Attracted to 5
What are Spiders Attracted to? 10 Shocking Facts You Need to Know. Image Credit: Canva
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